My granddaughter
My granddaughter was born in December 2016 in London. Her name is Gabriela. Her mother is Brazilian, Ana (a lovely and nice woman) and her dad is my son Szymon. Christening of my granddaughter took place in Kraków. Then I saw and held her in my arms for the first time. She was small, vulnerable and polite... she only had 4 months. When they left - I missed her very much, although my daughter-in-law sent me photos and videos of Gabriela's progress since her birth. I was and I am grateful for that. Time passes quickly. My granddaughter grows, walks, runs, laughs, cries, dances... She is very lively, she is interested in everything. I found out about it, when my son and his family were visiting last month. They came to Poland for a week on Valentine's Day and found a winter aura. There were games in the snow: throwing snowballs, making a snowman, an igloo in the garden, sledding down Dębowiec, fun in Leopark and at home. When they left it got sad at home. I miss them again. Currently, my granddaughter is 15 months old. She smiles at me while I talk to my son on facebook. I'm flying to London in September to take her in my arms again and have a hug!